Good afternoon everyone.  How are you all doing?  Things are crazy here in my neck of the woods.  Poisoned water, flooded sewers, rainy days.  This is one crazy place to live.  We had solid rain all day yesterday and another day of it forcasted for Saturday. Rainy  After almost 8 years of drought it is really quite amazing. 

The one thing I really hate about rainy days though is that my dogs have to stay out of the house.  Well at least they are confined to the laundry room.  I have a huge laundry room that opens to the backyard so they have a doggy door in there.  Then we baby gate the door to the house so they can still see in.  I just feel bad because they are used to being in here with me all day.  The only time we lock them up is when we aren’t home or when a bunch of people are over.  See don’t they look miserable?

Anyway, I can’t believe how fast time fly.  Today is my one month anniversary of my surgery.  Can you believe it?  It seemed like I was waiting forever for all the ducks to be in a row for the surgery.  I was just waiting for my life to start again and here I am a blink of an eye later one month down the road.  Time is a funny thing.   Watch 

Well, I don’t really have anything more to say so I’m going to come visit all of you.  Hope everyone has a great day today. I’ll leave you with this.

“May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at you back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
                                                     -An Irish Blessing

14 thoughts on “

  1. Awww your puppies look cute!  I know I hate leaving mine locked in the kitchen some days šŸ˜¦  Wow its already been a month since the surgery?!?  And already under 100 lbs to go… way to go!!! ~hugs~ Des

  2. Hey there little darlin! Your puppies are so cute. I LOVE the size or your laundry room…gosh!  I can’t believe it has been a month since your surgery…that is amazing. You’re doing great! Take care!

  3. 41 pounds gone, and only 99 to go. Aww you dogs, give them some treats.  My moms dog loves me because she knows everytime she sees me, I give her a rawhide chew.  Its been nice here this week, Monday and Tuesday it was like an early spring almost.  Take care!

  4. You and Susan are so awesome. You guys give me the most encouragement on here and I love you both for that. I really mean it. Someday I am going to drive to Arizona and meet you both in person. (it will have to be AFTER I start my NEW job (I saw with much confidence!!lol) ). Take care!: biggrin :

  5. Hey Courtney!  How are ya girl!  Your dogs are so adorable!  Of course, I’m biased for the schnauzer..hehe..My girl is getting so old..: sad :  She has selective hearing now lol..: rolleyes :
    You have done so great since your surgery..Keep up the good work!!
    *hugs* kritti : smile :

  6. i’m too tired to switch names… so this is from the wedding xanga šŸ˜‰  Anyways… love the suggestion on the goblet… it looks cute from the picture, i’ve seen some like that too.  I never thought about one for communion (doug’s lutheran and i’m catholic switching to lutheran)… since he’s not a drinker at all and probably wont even have champaign at the wedding i figured we shouldnt even get one… but the communion thing is a cute idea and another keepsake to have around the house šŸ™‚  Thanks!!!  I’ll do more later probably… looking at all songs its taking FOREVER but as long as i have a spare second i should get it done before the thought leaves the mess of thoughts in my head.  Ooo and thanks for all the input šŸ™‚ i’m sure things will change at least 4 times before the wedding though haha.  ~hugs~ Des

  7. thanks for your prayers!  lol it’s kinda funny, every comment you’ve left me in the past 2 days or so has ended with i’ll be praying…am i taking up most of your prayer time?? hahaha..but really, thanks!! =)

  8. I got it off one of the other girls sites and i thought it was too cute and perfect to post since i wont be able to post much over the weekend since mikes commin home thanks for the comment love ya šŸ™‚
    : cool :Nina: wink :

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